Farris is Senior Vice President: Product Director / General Manager for Ford.com. He leads a cross-departmental agency team in the continual design, development, & deployment of Ford digital properties. Previously, he was Analytics Lead at Proquest where he leveraged data to help leaders at the $700MM/year revenue digital content company make strategic decisions. Prior to ProQuest, Farris served as Product Director for ForeSee (a predictive customer experience analytics firm), and was a consultant in the fields of business strategy and marketing. He has extensive experience in ecommerce, content oriented websites, insurance, automotive and small business development. He holds an MBA and MS in Industrial and Operations Engineering (specializing in human/computer interaction) both from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. He currently is an adjunct lecturer at Easter Michigan University. URL: www.linkedin.com/pub/farris-khan/4/a6/954/ | Twitter: @bobbleheadguru